Some observations from this last month: For the first time, the age range of buyers was closer to my own and even younger, (ok I'm 52). I made a conscious effort in this show to limit my visual themes, I thought this made for a focused viewing experience (this trend will continue). The largest painting was 44"x36", going forward, the urge is to keep increasing the size, (have the smallest works run their course? we'll see). The dominant pigments used in this group of paintings were, cobalt blue and raw sienna (my new fave).
Switching gears, the Atlanta art "blogosphere" has had an increase in activity as of late. Long time local art critic, Cathy Fox, joined the ranks this past week. She, along with several other AJC expats, Pierre Ruhe (classical music) and Steve Murray (film) have created artscriticAtl. Maybe I am being too optimistic here, but I am starting to feel something, shall I dare say, a synergy, or heaven forbid the "c" word, community. Atlanta's art scene has mirrored the sprawl we see around us, subdivisions, separated by economics, taste and terrain. Is the Internet dissolving these perceived barriers?