Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Break

Some random thoughts:
Spring in Atlanta can seem like a miracle (and a Chamber of Commerce's dream come true). Everyday there is a new shoot, bud or blossom. The parade of flowers that began with the forsythia, continues at a brisk pace: daffodils,azaleas,tulips,dogwoods,irises,and roses. The vibrancy of color and form, is very humbling for me as a painter. The weather does not disappoint either, this past week there was light snow, "Biblical" thunder storms, cold mornings and warm afternoons. It can all be very disorienting. The mind and body can not rest with all this evidence of rebirth and possibility (which might explain this rambling post).

My daughter, Madison, is into theme cupcakes. these are her latest creations. A great food blog, Serious Eats, has a disturbing post about deep fried "Peeps". I am tempted to try it.

As a spectator, baseball is my sport of choice. I live close to the Braves stadium, and the tickets are inexpensive, which makes it convenient to spend an afternoon at the ballpark. Growing up I played all sports, some were on organized teams, but mostly it was just grabbing your gear and hitting the field. That's what we did for fun. Now, as an adult what I enjoy, besides the amazing skill, is the finality of the results, you have a winner and loser, one is best the rest not. In the art world this is not the case, opinions rule, and everyone has one. In Grad school it was easy to start an argument just by mentioning that you thought,___, was a great painter.I learned early in my career that some will enjoy what I create and others will dismiss it, which is how it should be. All these differing views keep the physical product alive and ever evolving.

Above: DOGWOOD (Land of Spirits) 44x35 oil on canvas
I was informed that this painting was too "Southern", (see what I mean).