"Why do young artist's leave Atlanta?", this was a recent topic over at the BURNAWAY website, a discussion that appears locally about every 6 years. I always enjoy reading the debate because it reminds me of the conversations I would have with studio chums back in my 20's, "We need to be in New York!", some left, all were tempted.
Those romantic notions have long passed for me, but I still enjoy taking a look at what is being shown in the galleries "up there", which brings me to James Kalm (aka. Loren Munk). James and his digital camera take you inside the scene, filming openings, art fairs and museum shows. James is an artist and gives you that perspective, zooming up close to the work, commenting on materials, technique and occasionally interviewing the artist, not much art critique but that is fine, I just want to look. There are hundreds of posts on three different YouTube channels. Enjoy a certain artist's work?, chances are good he's covered it.